KALAMAZOO COUNTY, MI Death and Marriage Look Up Requests click on image to enlarge it Old Kalamazoo County Court House |
Use this link to purchase the death cert.
It lists the place of burial among other personal info.
State of Michigan Death Certificate Request Link:
http://www.mdch.state.mi.us/PHA/OSR/DEATHAPP.HTM |
The Kalamazoo Valley Genealogy
Society provides volunteers to the Kalamazoo County Clerk's office who
assist researchers in obtaining death and Click on a death or marriage request form shown below and print it out. Fill in as much information as you can. Send the form to:
You must include a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Donations are not required or solicited, but the volunteers have no budget for their materials so that donations to the Society are appreciated. The inclusion of a small stipend for look-ups is very helpful to the volunteers' work.
Death Lookup Information Request
click on image to enlarge it
Marriage Lookup Information Request
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